H2O Worldwide is thrilled to announce our collaboration with Quest Water Global to create impactful investment opportunities for socially conscious investors, NGOs, Foundations, CSR initiatives, and Charities. We consider our business model as the pinnacle of Impact Investing, as it not only addresses social challenges but also delivers substantial financial returns for our investors. |
PURCHASE Replacement Filters online! |
We are thankful to the American Red Cross for becoming a Proyecto Agua Limpia partner. Phase III is possible due to their donation of 15,000 KOHLER Clarity water filters. This will provide an additional 60,000 people with Clean/Safe water! |

HOLLYWOOD, CA, October 17, 2018 – Equitas Entertainment Partners announced today that they have partnered with Kohler Co. and H2O Worldwide for the Imprisoned Benefit Screening in support of Puerto Ricans in Action (PRiA), a fiscally sponsored 501c3 non-profit organization, to raise funds for Hurricane Maria relief efforts through donations made at this star-studded, red carpet event.
PRiA, as well as Kohler and H2O Worldwide, have partnered with Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust, to provide clean drinking water to those in need via Proyecto Agua Limpia (Clean Water Project), established a year ago as a result of Hurricane Maria depleting the island of one of its most precious natural resources - clean water. The project has since successfully distributed over 18,000 KOHLER Clarity™ water filters and once completed, more than 35,000 units will have been distributed. This will serve over 180,000 people in the most needed rural locations throughout Puerto Rico.
PRiA, as well as Kohler and H2O Worldwide, have partnered with Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust, to provide clean drinking water to those in need via Proyecto Agua Limpia (Clean Water Project), established a year ago as a result of Hurricane Maria depleting the island of one of its most precious natural resources - clean water. The project has since successfully distributed over 18,000 KOHLER Clarity™ water filters and once completed, more than 35,000 units will have been distributed. This will serve over 180,000 people in the most needed rural locations throughout Puerto Rico.

6/29/2018 - H2O Worldwide Group Donates 2,000 KOHLER Clarity units to Puerto Ricans in Action (PRiA) to be distributed via Proyecto Agua Limpia (PAL). These units will provide clean drinking water to over 10,000 people in Puerto Rico!